Ganz nah an der Natur
Momente vollkommener Entspannung
Die regionale Küche
Großzügig wohnen
Momente vollkommener Entspannung
Mit allen Sinnen genießen
Das Haller's lebt das Kleinwalsertal
Haller’s Genuss & Spa Hotel with its breathtaking location in Kleinwalsertal is a place for anyone who enjoys the fine things in life. Its panoramic views offer a unique glimpse of the valley, a view that is hard to find anywhere else. Through experiencing our spa area, wellness centre, beauty treatments, nature, comfortable rooms and culinary delights, every aspect of your relaxing holiday will be covered. Make your holiday an unforgettable experience and indulge all your senses. Discover a special hotel in a very unique location: Haller’s Genuss & Spa Hotel in Kleinwalsertal.